Why relative wedding is memorable?

Why relative wedding is memorable?

Why relative wedding is memorable?

Every kid and young man do waiting very impatiently to Wedding ceremony of their relative. When somebody goes to their relative wedding, every person looks at him with open eyes. During the wedding, every person dances like he is an actor who comes from India and he does show his talent in front of people. When you have a lot of money to spend for the ceremony and your feeling and emotions is not measurable.

Most people show their money by flying money to the head of the bridegroom beside of huge audience. And the other side many people just goes to the wedding to eat delicious food, even they eat food very roughly, just feels they are hungry for many days. When I went to my relative ceremony that was in the village viewing everywhere beautiful faces at the ceremony and some people just looked at other people's faces like just seen never this type of beauty.

The wedding ceremony is a very enjoyable event for every person, especially in villages we have many cultures that are running a very long time. We have a mehndi culture that many says this particular culture comes from India but anyhow we are a concern to enjoying these type of events do pleasure for us. One person who is facing many anxieties in his life, should not be worried about it because everybody has issues but if you want to bring peace in your life, you should go to the wedding ceremony for pleasure.


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