The Traffic controlling system failing in major cities. Serious traffic jams in different areas of Lahore cause roadblocks.

The Traffic controlling system failing in major cities. Serious traffic jams in different areas of Lahore cause roadblocks.

The Traffic controlling system failing in major cities. Serious traffic jams in different areas of Lahore cause roadblocks. The citizens made an appeal to the administrative authorities to control this condition.

Insufficient planning, advice, or something else? Lahore couldn’t find a way out of traffic jams. Even on signal-free roads, traffic jams became a serious everyday hassle. Even today (Wednesday) the poor traffic controlling system affected the citizens.

Shahdara Chowk, Ravi road, Bhai chowk, Shah Alam Chowk were some of the most affected areas of Lahore where citizens were trapped in traffic for hours. These inefficient and ineffective traffic directions raised serious questions for the administration.

The affected citizens stated that they have to face these difficulties daily as this has become a routine in Lahore. The administration has not broken the ice and is still quiet in this matter.

The traffic wardens are struggling on the roads all day long and are still unable to resolve the issues.


The poor traffic condition is not a new problem in Lahore. It is an issue that is going on for quite a long time now. The government, administration, and managerial authorities have failed miserably in finding an effective and efficient solution in this matter. The traffic wardens are trying their best to keep things under control and do their job well but it is not enough. Who is responsible for this inconvenience? Why is there not even a verbal response for the citizens from the administration’s side? There are some serious questions that must be answered as soon as possible or else the administration officers should be replaced.



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