Pakistan railway security system|| weak security in railways


Pakistan railway security system|| weak security in railways

Pakistan railway security system|| weak security in railways

I traveled recently in Pakistan railways, I saw a very strange thing throughout my journey. When I took the ticket from the railway station, I saw a young person who I thought was following me after some time it was confirmed he was following me.

I think very deeply about every matter because in today’s world we can’t trust anybody. When I noticed him, he was carrying a shoulder bag that was filled. I observed on his hands, he was wearing a ring. Afghanistan flag design on this special ring, its shin and glare were clearly prominent on his hands.

When I was entering the train, I saw him talking to random people. He was talking to everyone very frankly.

Police security did not check his big, even security team did not check any person who was traveling in the train which was a very terrible thing in security concern. It is my request to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan to improve the railway's security system.



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