Lahore, PTI’s coalition partner Muslim League (Q) announced the safeguard of the local government system within the province from now on
During the Punjab Cabinet processions, Muslim League-Q's
ministry declared the safeguard of the local government system. The Provincial Minister
of Punjab for Environmental Protection (Bao Rizwan) left the procession after
this declaration by Muslim League Q.
Later, Bao Rizwan in his response stated that “they didn’t consult
about the local government system”. “the leader of Pakistan Muslim League Q,
should be taken in confidence regarding the new local body system; we have
spoken very clearly in the procession last night. It is my request to the Chief
Minister as these minor issues become major ones later on. They should contact
us and consult with us about the new local government system, we are unaware of
the details of the reservations and changes made in the system”.