Pakistan’s largest Corona Vaccination Center (Expo Center) has been closed suddenly. The gates were locked without the consent of the Primary Health Care Authority
The DMS of the Expo center was stopped at the gate. DMS Expo Corona Field Hospital Doctor Bilawal
Hussain said that all the vaccination-related equipment has been removed by the
trucks forcefully. Our team is inside yet we are not allowed to enter. The Expo
Center’s management has shut down everything without any notification.
According to
the reports, the sudden shutting of Pakistan’s largest Corona vaccination has
affected the public. A crowd was gathered outside the building who came for
vaccination. The OPD tests were also closed along with the Corona vaccinations.
The worried patients stated that they came from far away for the vaccination
and here the building has been closed. Some of them even came from outside the
Upon this,
the management of the Expo Center responded that the “door to door” vaccination
program has started. Therefore, the Expo Center has been shut for vaccination
of the Corona Virus. They further added, that the number of patients was not
much and so the employees were sent back to their relevant field duties.
The sudden
shutting of the Expo Center is not justified in any way by the management. They
didn’t even notify the vaccination team about the closing and they threw their
equipment away without their consent. Such unprofessional behavior is not
expected by these authorities. They should think about the patients who came
here from their homes and shouldn’t waste their precious time and money. This
is not the right way to just shut the largest Corona vaccination Center in the
country without even asking the person in charge of the vaccination program in
the building and then stopping him at the gate and not letting him enter.